Ever noticed how being in a crowd of 200-300 people can feel lonelier than hanging out with five close friends? That's precisely why small groups are the secret sauce of a thriving church. Let's dive into this – just you and me chatting about why these little...
The Great Commission and the making of disciples go hand in hand with church planting. As we go into all the world as Jesus commands, and as we make disciples, churches will be needed. We believe God works in every type, style, and flavor of “church.”
Jason Taylor Church Leadership, Church Planting
Living In The Big Picture
Dec 22, 2023
As a Church Planter, there are certain built-in big days that give you a great increase in numbers but sometimes leave...
Jeff Hoglen Church Growth, Church Health, Church Planting
5 Essential Goals for Church Planters in 2024
Dec 18, 2023
Hey there, fellow church planters! As we look towards 2024, it's like we're standing at the edge of a vast, uncharted...
Ron Edmondson Church Leadership, Church Planting, Communication / Preaching
7 Quick Reminders For Pastors During Christmas Season
Dec 15, 2023
I want to share some quick reminders for pastors during Christmas season. You already know all of these, but sometimes...
Jeff Hoglen Church Health, Church Planting
Building a Dream Team for Your Church’s Big Launch
Dec 6, 2023
Let's talk about something near and dear to my heart – starting a new church. It's not just about having a big vision...
Ron Edmondson Church Growth, Church Planting, Church Revitalization
7 Helpful Skills for Pastors Who Want to Grow Churches
Dec 4, 2023
I came close to titling these “essential” skills, but I knew that was unfair. God grows churches and He works through...
Jeff Hoglen Church Growth, Church Leadership, Church Planting
From Church Plant to Church Planting Movement
Nov 24, 2023
Church Plants Must Embrace Early Multiplication As church planters, we're embarking on a journey to spread the...
Bill Tenny-Brittian Church Growth, Church Planting, Small Church / Rural Church
The Transformative Power of Reputation
Nov 22, 2023
In the vast landscape of community institutions, churches hold a unique position. They are places of worship,...
Jeff Hoglen Church Leadership, Church Planting, Pastoral Burnout
Embracing Sacrifice in Church Planting
Nov 20, 2023
Today, let's explore a topic close to many of our hearts: the sacrifices involved in church planting. This journey,...
Jeff Hoglen Church Leadership, Church Planting
5 Church Planting Trends
Nov 10, 2023
Today, I'm excited to delve into some trends in church planting that redefine our approach to expanding God's kingdom....
Jeff Hoglen Church Growth, Church Planting, Small Church / Rural Church
3 Easy Steps to Church Growth? Nope!
Oct 31, 2023
If you are a pastor or church planter, you should be getting all sorts of emails and advertisements about church...
Jeff Hoglen Church Health, Church Planting, Church Revitalization
Insights from Unsuccessful Church Plants
Oct 25, 2023
Learning Through Loss:Insights from Unsuccessful Church Plants Unsuccessful church plants can offer valuable insight...
Jeff Hoglen Church Growth, Church Health, Church Planting
The 5 R’s for Pastoring a Healthy Church
Oct 20, 2023
As a pastor, one of your most important responsibilities is leading, building, and strengthening your church...