Easter's come and gone. You've had a great service and maybe even a record turnout. The energy was electric, the worship was on fire, and the message of resurrection hope was proclaimed loud and clear. But now, Easter Sunday is in the rearview. So, what's next? How do...
The Great Commission and the making of disciples go hand in hand with church planting. As we go into all the world as Jesus commands, and as we make disciples, churches will be needed. We believe God works in every type, style, and flavor of “church.”
Dave Ferguson Church Leadership, Church Planting, Outreach and Evangelism
The Jesus Mission
May 7, 2012
Over the last 18 months at COMMUNITY we have made strategic moves in order to mobilize all (yes, we mean ALL) our...
Lessons Learned: 5 Principles For Church Planting
May 4, 2012
I know there are any number of principles for church planting—I’ve made up or stumbled across many of them myself....
Why Plant in Small Town USA?
May 3, 2012
When talking about planting in Small Town USA. I am often asked, “Why even go there?” I have 3 main reasons for...
Artie Davis Church Leadership, Church Planting
16 Things I Would Tell My Son About Leading
May 1, 2012
If my son were starting a church this weekend… and he came to me and asked, "Dad, what are the most important things I...
Steve Sjogren Church Leadership, Church Planting, Outreach and Evangelism
12 Things Your Church Needs to Know…
Apr 29, 2012
...by the time it’s 12 months old Don’t take yourselves too seriously You are important to God. Isn’t it enough to...
Have It Your Way
Apr 28, 2012
We stopped to get a hamburger the other night. While debating what to have on my Whopper Jr., the lady pointed out,...
Happy Birthday Churchplanting.com!
Apr 27, 2012
This week is the one-year birthday of our site. It’s been quite a year at that – much more productive than any of us...
Spiritual Warfare Behind Enemy Lines
Apr 21, 2012
Say the word “Seattle” and you will hear endless complaints about the lack of sunshine, but that is not the real...
You Can’t Ride A Frozen Bicycle
Apr 20, 2012
I recently visited Sapporo, Japan. The snow was beautiful and preparations for the Ice Festival were quite...
Phil Spry Church Leadership, Church Planting, Outreach and Evangelism
How Did We Get Here?
Apr 19, 2012
After seven cancer surgeries and two heart attacks - I’m an old man who has nothing to lose by speaking his mind. It...
Marcus Bigelow Church Planting
Rollerblading Through Ministry
Apr 18, 2012
Every leader I know wrestles with the balance between work and family. Every Christian leader I know wrestles with...
Linda Bergquist Church Planting
Church Planting and the Art of Remembering
Apr 17, 2012
A large percentage of church planters are newcomers to the places where they start churches. They arrive as...