About 300,000 people die every day in the world. About 7,000 in the US. That’s about 290 per hour. 27 people die in...

Church Leadership, Church Planting, Outreach and Evangelism
Focus On The Main Thing
Jun 5, 2018
When Toni and I were newly married (1965) we bought our first car for $115. It was a 1959 Ford with about 70,000 miles...
The Seven Deadly Days
Oct 1, 2013
So you're on the launch pad... Pre-Easter is the most popular time of the year to launch a new church. I'm not sure...
Church Leadership, Church Planting
By Grace Alone…
Aug 20, 2013
Nearly everyone is looking for the magic bullet that will propel their ministry into visible significance. Most of...
Church Leadership, Church Planting
Go for the Geezers!
Jul 19, 2013
Donald Rumsfeld has written a book called Rumsfeld’s Rules. In it he notes that the most dangerous people are those...
The Type Of Person Not Right For Your Church Plant
Jun 19, 2013
We fishers of men are the only fishermen who don’t throw any back. At least not normally… We once had a waterfront...
Have Christians In America Lost Their Way?
Apr 19, 2013
“I believe it is a fact generally admitted that there is much less conscience manifested, by men and women, in nearly...
Church Planting, Outreach and Evangelism
In Light of the New Catholic Pope
Mar 19, 2013
I belong to the third largest denomination in America – former Roman Catholics. We RCs are hard nuts to crack. Ask...
Church Leadership, Church Planting
The Deadliest Day…
Feb 19, 2013
A while back I shared with you the seven most poorly attended Sundays of the year. If you’ve been around for a while...
Fighting The Smart Fight
Jan 19, 2013
There was a time when an army setting off to war had to have complex lines of supply to refurbish food, fuel,...
Holy Ground
Nov 21, 2012
Many Shia Muslims have an interesting habit regarding prayer. They believe some locations to be more “holy” than...
A Strategy For Priority…
Oct 19, 2012
In 1980 I was a senior at the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago and took my winter break to travel around the country...