The Power of Encouragement Encouragement isn’t just a nice gesture; it’s absolutely critical when you’re starting a church. It charges up your volunteers, fires up enthusiasm, and keeps everyone pushing forward when things get tough. When the people leading the charge...
The Great Commission and the making of disciples go hand in hand with church planting. As we go into all the world as Jesus commands, and as we make disciples, churches will be needed. We believe God works in every type, style, and flavor of “church.”
Chris Lagerlof Church Leadership, Church Planting
Four BE’s to Planting Well and Planting Healthy
Oct 9, 2012
“BE fruitful and multiply,” Genesis 1:28 has been the theme verse for my life and ministry this year. I believe this...
Artie Davis Church Leadership, Church Planting
5 Things Anointed Leaders Have
Oct 1, 2012
In 1 Samuel 10 Saul is anointed as King over Israel. As soon as he was anointed as the leader 5 signs occurred that I...
Stephen Gray Church Leadership, Church Planting
Validating The Call To Leadership
Sep 27, 2012
There can be no more fundamental step in the process of watching a church become healthy than finding the right spirit...
Church Planting Make Believe
Sep 24, 2012
At the risk of sounding like an old geezer who is ticked off about modern life, I have a thought for every young...
John Wasem Church Leadership, Church Planting
Learning from the Business Gurus
Sep 21, 2012
Like most of you, I’m sure; I read a fair amount of the classic as well as “new arrival” works in the field of...
Ralph Moore Church Planting, Outreach and Evangelism
Church Planting In Secular France
Sep 20, 2012
I recently spent a week training church planters in France. What I saw was extremely encouraging. According to a...
Phil Spry Church Leadership, Church Planting
Modesty Matters
Sep 19, 2012
For years, we have dealt with this problem in our church plants. It's always difficult for a male to tell the women...
Linda Bergquist Church Leadership, Church Planting
Thoughts On The Multisite Church Movement From A Church Planting Strategist
Sep 17, 2012
A new article released by Leadership Network claims that there are now over 5,000 multisite churches in North America,...
Jim Sheppard Church Leadership, Church Planting
Generosity: Why Should I Care?
Sep 16, 2012
Given the challenges that many individuals, families, and churches are now facing in the aftermath of the global...
Joe Miller Church Leadership, Church Planting
6 Keys For Turning Leaders Into Disciples
Sep 15, 2012
In May of last year I wrote my first article for My post summarized both my experience as a...
Charles Ridley Church Planting, Coaching
X = T + E
Sep 14, 2012
How many times have you filled in those little square boxes or circles next to items on test forms? Have many times...
Internship Opportunity In Orlando
Sep 11, 2012
What’s an intern at the Hope Connexion Orlando? An intern is a person who is freely being trained in preparation for...