by Steve Sjogren | Dec 11, 2019 | Outreach and Evangelism, Servant Evangelism
All warfare is contingent on the climate, geography, and environmental conditions of the battlefield. This is equally true for spiritual warfare, or as we like to call it here at ServeCoach, servant warfare. The concept of servant warfare is quite simple: the most...
by Steve Sjogren | Aug 26, 2019 | Church Planting, Church Revitalization
This is an entry in a series of blog posts entitled – Mistakes in Outreach. When it comes to applying all of this—in beginning to walk out a plan for changing the world—it’s about action. We can think through scenarios galore prior to obedience. None of that...
by Steve Sjogren | Jul 10, 2019 | Servant Evangelism, Uncategorized
I run into people regularly who openly wonder how to lead others in the realm of outreaches. “If we are walking in the Spirit do we need to schedule outreaches?” they reason. Isn’t that a bit like scheduling love? Aren’t we called to walk in...
by Steve Sjogren | May 22, 2019 | Servant Evangelism
We came here not to start a church but to change the city and there's a difference. Steve Sjogren Click To...
by Steve Sjogren | Apr 19, 2019 | Church Leadership, Outreach and Evangelism, Servant Evangelism
What is your notion of “normal” when it comes to outreach? Do you think it is normal to see people come to know Jesus only on an occasional basis? Or do you have a bigger vision that allows for many to come into the kingdom on a regular basis? Our paradigm...