Ideators Among Us

Ideators Among Us

There are a lot of smart and hard-working people out there.  Some are both. Have you noticed that power and influence often seem to only be in the hands of a few who use this influence for personal gain or the destruction of others? There is a smaller percentage of...
A Church OF Small Groups

A Church OF Small Groups

Small groups are one of the most misunderstand ministries I’ve ever seen and I’ve seen them all.  Most small groups are just one of many programs churches undertake in an attempt to either reach more people, keep more people, or provide a needed form of fellowship and...
Go for the Geezers!

Go for the Geezers!

Donald Rumsfeld has written a book called Rumsfeld’s Rules.  In it he notes that the most dangerous people are those who do not know what they do not know. A while ago my wife was visiting one of our children in another State and visited a local church.  She was a 67...