What to do when a church event flops

by | Mar 20, 2023 | Church Growth, Church Leadership, Outreach and Evangelism | 0 comments

Organizing a church event can be an exciting and fulfilling experience, but when the turnout is not what you hoped for, it can be disheartening. However, it’s important to remember that there are always opportunities for growth and improvement, even in the face of disappointment.


First Step – Debrief and Evaluation


The first step to take after a disappointing turnout is to evaluate the promotional strategies used for the event. Were there enough advertisements in the church bulletin and announcements made during services? Did the event receive enough attention on social media? Was the target audience reached? By identifying any shortcomings in the promotional plan, you can make adjustments and be more effective in the future.


Consider Timing Issues


It’s also important to consider the timing and scheduling of the event. Was it scheduled at a time that was convenient for the majority of the congregation?

Did it conflict with other important events in the community? By choosing a better date and time for the event, you may be able to attract more attendees in the future.


Get More People Involved


Another approach to improving turnout is to involve more members of the congregation in the planning and promotion of future events. By creating committees or teams to help organize events and spread the word, you can increase engagement and enthusiasm among the church community.


Stay Positive


Finally, it’s important to stay positive and remember that a disappointing turnout does not reflect the overall success or impact of the event. Even if only a few people attended, the event may have had a meaningful impact on their lives. And by learning from the experience and making changes for the future, you can continue to grow and strengthen the church community.


Get Some Help


Examine your motive for the event. Make sure it matches up with your mission and core values.

If it definitely does, consider getting help from others who have done this type of event before. You may be surprised at the amount of kingdom-minded ministries and churches that are looking for like-minded churches to partner with.


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