What Do You Do When Your Truck (Or Church Plant) Crashes?

by | Jun 26, 2019 | Church Leadership, Church Planting | 0 comments

Six years ago, my accountability partner came to Bible Study and asked for prayer.  Ken is CEO of a company that franchises boutiques across the country (They opened about 40 that year.)   They were opening up the biggest store of their history, in Downtown Disney-Anaheim on Friday, May 20.  On Monday the 16th, when the truck was a no show – they began calling, only to find out the truck carrying the entire inventory for the store had been in an accident the previous Thursday in Dallas! A third party company was dispatched to find, recover and liquidate the inventory and the trucking company advised they would send them a check for the amount the load was insured.

With only 4 days before opening, and an inventory that could not be replaced in less than a month, what would you do–cancel, call an attorney, cry, complain?

Ken called his partners together (also Christians) and led his company in prayer.  They got on the phone to Fed Ex and finally got to their “Critical Crisis Team” who jumped into action, found the merchandise, and got it from Texas to Anaheim. (I mention Fed Ex because they came through as an excellent company should—but that’s another story). The truck was scheduled to arrive Thursday at 9:00 and finally got there at 11:00 am. With less than 24 hours to do a 4-day job – Ken and one of his partners got on a plane to So. Cal, worked all day/night and straight through to Friday morning, alongside the franchisee and his team, to get all the merchandise inventoried, stocked, and displayed in time for the scheduled opening.

Three days later, Ken had the opportunity to share the story with the head of Disney Retail Properties. 

He was so impressed with how they reacted and the quality of the store – that future Disney opportunities were discussed.

So, what are the lessons for us?

  1. When your truck crashes—get on your knees before the Father.
  2. When your truck crashes—call on others to help (the Critical Crisis Team wouldn’t have entered the picture had not Ken asked for their help)
  3. When your truck crashes—don’t get your drawers in a bunch, instead, roll up your sleeves, swallow your pride, and do the hard work that is “way beneath” your station in life.
  4. When your truck crashes—hard work and perseverance will pay big dividends.

I’m proud of my friend.  He lives out his faith.

Jesus said, “If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you too ought to wash one another’s feet. 15 For I have given you an example – you should do just as I have done for you.” John 13:14-15


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