Using AI and Digital Media for Discipleship

by | Mar 11, 2024 | Church Growth, Discipleship, Technology | 5 comments

In a world where our daily lives are increasingly influenced by technology, the church has a unique opportunity to harness this momentum for something eternally significant: discipleship.

As leaders, we’re tasked with guiding our communities in a journey of faith—a journey that doesn’t just happen within the four walls of our buildings but extends into the digital spaces where people spend a considerable portion of their lives.

In ‘How Churches Can Use AI and Digital Media for Discipleship,’ we’re diving into the practicalities of utilizing cutting-edge technologies to meet people right where they are. It’s about more than just keeping up with trends; it’s about strategically deploying AI and digital media as tools to make the timeless truth of the gospel accessible and engaging for everyone, anywhere.


Digital Discipleship Platforms


The way we communicate, learn, and engage with each other has been radically changed by the digital revolution. It’s a shift that hasn’t gone unnoticed by the church. We’re not just streaming services online anymore; we’re creating entire digital platforms for discipleship. Imagine having interactive Bible studies, prayer groups, and tracks for spiritual growth right at your fingertips, accessible from anywhere in the world. This is the reality we’re stepping into by weaving together social media, mobile apps, and church management software into a cohesive online community.

This approach doesn’t just resonate with the tech-savvy; it opens the doors of the church wider than ever before, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their circumstances, can be part of our faith journey.

Here are several specific digital outlets that churches should consider to expand their reach and deepen engagement:


1. Social Media Platforms


  • Facebook Groups: Ideal for creating closed communities where members can share life updates, prayer requests, and engage with Bible study materials and discussion questions.
  • Instagram Stories and IGTV: Useful for sharing short devotionals, testimonies, and engaging visual content that can encourage daily reflection and spiritual growth.


2. Church Apps and Mobile Platforms


  • Custom Church Apps: Developing a church app can provide members with one-stop access to sermon archives, Bible study materials, event calendars, and giving options. Platforms like Subsplash or offer church app development services with various features to enhance engagement.
  • YouVersion Bible App: Encouraging the use of this app for daily Bible reading plans and devotionals can help keep your congregation engaged with Scripture consistently. Churches can also create custom reading plans based on sermon series or thematic studies.


3. Online Learning Platforms


  • RightNow Media: Often referred to as the “Netflix of Christian Bible Study,” this subscription-based platform provides a vast library of video Bible studies and Christian content that churches can offer to their members.
  • Zoom or Google Meet for Virtual Small Groups: Utilizing video conferencing tools for small group meetings or Bible studies allows members who are unable to attend in person to stay connected and engaged.


4. Podcasts and Video Channels


  • Church Podcasts: Creating a podcast for sermons, devotionals, or thematic spiritual growth series allows members to engage with church teachings on the go.
  • YouTube Channels: Churches can use YouTube to post sermons, worship music, and educational content. Live streaming services on YouTube can also reach those who cannot attend in person.


5. Blogs and Online Articles


  • Church Blogs: Hosting a blog on the church website where pastors and leaders can share insights, devotionals, and updates can help keep the congregation informed and engaged with church life and teachings.


6. Email Newsletters and Devotionals


  • Mailchimp or Constant Contact: These platforms can be used to send out weekly newsletters, devotionals, and updates on church events, keeping the congregation connected and informed.


In utilizing these digital outlets, it’s crucial for churches to maintain a consistent, engaging presence and to ensure that the content shared aligns with the church’s teachings and values. By strategically employing these tools, churches can enhance their discipleship efforts, reaching more people with the Gospel and fostering a deeper sense of community and spiritual growth among members.


What about using AI for Discipleship?


In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers innovative tools and resources that churches can leverage to enhance discipleship and foster spiritual growth. Utilizing AI can help churches personalize learning, manage community engagement more efficiently, and provide accessible resources for spiritual development. Here are some AI resources and how they can be utilized by churches to make disciples:


1. AI Chatbots for Immediate Engagement


Churches can implement AI chatbots on their websites or social media platforms to answer frequently asked questions, provide information about church events, and offer spiritual encouragement. These chatbots can be programmed with Scripture references, daily devotionals, and even guided prayers to assist individuals in their spiritual journey, offering immediate engagement anytime.


2. Personalized Learning Platforms


AI can power personalized learning experiences for discipleship training and Bible study. Platforms like Coursera or edX use AI to adapt learning paths based on the user’s engagement, understanding, and preferences. Churches can develop or leverage existing courses on these platforms, using AI to tailor the learning experience to meet the spiritual growth needs of each individual.


3. AI-Powered Bible Study Tools


Tools like Logos Bible Software use AI to analyze Scripture, offering in-depth study resources, original language tools, and theological insights. This can help pastors and church members delve deeper into the Bible, providing rich, contextual understanding that can enhance teaching, preaching, and personal study.


4. Content Creation Tools


AI-driven content creation tools can assist churches in generating engaging, high-quality digital content for teaching, outreach, and discipleship. Tools like Canva use AI to suggest design templates, while others like Grammarly ensure that written content is clear and effective. AI can also help create personalized reading plans or devotional content based on church members’ interests and spiritual growth stages.


5. Predictive Analytics for Engagement


AI-driven analytics tools can help churches understand patterns in attendance, giving, and engagement, allowing for more targeted pastoral care and discipleship efforts. By analyzing data, churches can identify members who may be disengaging and reach out with personalized communication, support, and resources to encourage their spiritual growth.


6. Virtual Reality (VR) for Immersive Bible Experiences


Though still developing, VR technology powered by AI can provide immersive Bible study experiences. It allows individuals to explore biblical sites or visualize stories from Scripture in a three-dimensional space. This can make learning more engaging and memorable, especially for visual learners or those new to the Bible.


Implementing AI Wisely


As churches explore these AI resources, it’s essential to use them wisely and ethically, ensuring they complement rather than replace the personal touch of pastoral care and community. AI tools should be seen as supplements to enhance discipleship and engagement, providing additional avenues for people to connect with God and each other. By embracing AI’s potential responsibly, churches can leverage these advanced technologies to support and deepen the discipleship journey.


Read more blog posts by Jeff Hoglen, D.Min.

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