Our churches are great at counting butts! We love to see the graph rise and attendance going up. There’s nothing wrong with counting attendance (Or Butts in the seats), however, we need to make sure we count the other butts that really matter too – Those that represent real life change and Kingdom movement and growth.
I see the pattern of Jesus’ ministry and focus as being three-fold. He was all about: Getting them IN, Growing them UP, and them Going OUT.
I see the pattern of Jesus’ ministry and focus as being three-fold. He was all about: Getting them IN, Growing them UP, and them Going OUT. Click To TweetGetting IN
We have to count the ones that have made real decisions for Jesus. Those who have demonstrated real life change and have followed through with baptism. Yeah, it’ OK to count those who make decisions and those baptized differently, but we need to make sure we help those just Getting IN, to move forward in their faith.
Growing UP
We must count movement! Those who move from a large collective to a smaller intimate group or community. We count those moving into serving, giving and caring for those outside the church walls. All of these new activities are great indicators, and measurable movements that indicate a person is not just keeping their butt’s in the seats, but are moving to the next level.
Going OUT
Yeah! These are the ones bringing in the new ones, and showing them it’s all about “Getting IN” the Kingdom, and not just a church building on the weekend! These are the reproducers…the Multipliers!
So…Counting Butts is fine. But we must count and measure…Movement and Multiplication. Those are the things that demonstrate real Kingdom impact.
Now… go count the BUTTS that really matter!