The 5 Most Powerful Ways to Lead

by | Feb 2, 2013 | Church Leadership | 0 comments


All great leaders are great learners. But, sometimes we overcomplicate that process and leave behind the most foundational elements that make a great leader… great.

I’ve found that a check of the basics is always a good place to start. If we have strong basics in place, it’s much more difficult to fall off as we move ahead.

Here are 5 basic, but powerful ways to lead…

#1 Godly

When we lead godly, we lead with a heart that is more concerned about empowerment and encouragement rather than self promotion. I have to constantly remind myself of Jesus’ words, “The least among you will be the greatest.”

#2 Simply

We over complicate things waaay to much! We may want to impress others or maybe we just think we’ve ‘progressed’ past simplicity. Whatever our reason, sometimes we just need to get back to simple. Sometimes, I have to remind myself, “Keep it simple stupid!”

#3 Timely

You can have the greatest plan and vision in the world, and not lead in a timely manner and kill a great vision and team. When you know, go… but don’t go until you know. Time matters.

#4 Actively

There can be no “absentee owner” of a vision. You can have other people leading areas of your church or organization.. you need those people, but you have to be actively involved too. People will only follow you if they see you. Be active

#5 Lovingly

“The Greatest of these is Love.” Not your vision, not your talents or treasures, but your ability and true desire to love those you lead, is the single greatest barometer of your future success. If you cannot love, you cannot lead. Sure you may get somewhere, but you are standing on shaky ground. Love – Lead… in that order

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