by Ralph Moore | Feb 9, 2024 | Church Health, Church Planting
Church planting takes a lot out of you. When we planted the second time, my wife set herself to see much less of me for the first year—she had learned the first time. The First Church Plant Much is written about the process, relationships, and structures...
by Stephen Gray | Jan 17, 2024 | Church Health, Church Leadership, Church Planting
Success is not necessarily a numbers issue. I know plenty of large churches that may look successful on the outside, but are not doing God’s work. I also know of small churches, considered by many as “faithful guardians of the truth” who are nothing...
by Brian Davis | Jan 15, 2024 | Church Growth, Church Planting
There are lots of opinions about what a local church should look like, but at its CORE, the local church is a body of believers who “should” have the goal of effectively reaching people who don’t have a relationship with God and making their faith-journey as easy as...
by Jason Taylor | Dec 22, 2023 | Church Leadership, Church Planting
As a Church Planter, there are certain built-in big days that give you a great increase in numbers but sometimes leave you feeling empty the week after. For example, Easter can be one of those days. People go to church on Easter! They come to your church, and the...
by Brian Jones | Dec 20, 2023 | Church Health, Church Leadership
If every Senior Pastor reading this would… Seek God’s face for next year’s ministry Write down what they believe God wants them to do Translate those dreams into SMART goals Turn those annual goals into daily prayer affirmations And storm the throne room of God every...