by Bill Easum | Jan 31, 2025 | Church Revitalization, Discipleship
Recently, someone asked me to boil down the concept of multiplication as far as I possibly can. So here goes. Looking at many of the churches that are multiplying I’ve noticed there are five things that I see in every one of these churches and oddly enough they...
by Bill Tenny-Brittian | Dec 26, 2024 | Church Growth, Church Health
As we step into 2025, churches across the nation are grappling with a shifting landscape. The challenges of reaching the unchurched haven’t gone away—they’ve simply evolved. That’s why it’s more important than ever for churches to plan intentionally and strategically....
by Bill Easum | Dec 4, 2024 | Church Leadership, Church Planting
I want you to think about the title of this blog post and ask yourself, “What has this to do with religion?” Here are my thoughts. In less than 100 years the U.S. has gone from riding on horses to putting a man on the moon. That’s incredible progress; it’s also a...
by Jeff Hoglen | Nov 20, 2024 | Church Leadership, Church Planting
The journey of planting a life-giving church begins with understanding God’s unique calling for your ministry. Having walked alongside hundreds of church planters, I’ve discovered that success isn’t measured by attendance numbers or building size,...
by Dave Alford | Nov 6, 2024 | Church Leadership, Church Planting
One thing my leadership experiences have taught me is that the health of the organization I’m leading depends on me. If I’m healthy my organization is healthy and, if I’m not, neither is it. Your church will only be as healthy as you are. So what do you need to do in...