MULTIPLICATION – It Wont Happen Without…

by | Jan 31, 2025 | Church Revitalization, Discipleship | 8 comments

Recently, someone asked me to boil down the concept of multiplication as far as I possibly can. So here goes.

Looking at many of the churches that are multiplying I’ve noticed there are five things that I see in every one of these churches and oddly enough they coincide with our book Dinosaurs to Rabbits: Turning Mainline Decline to a Multiplication Movement.


One on One Discipleship


Multiplication, like compound interest, always begins small.  Perhaps that’s why Jesus spent over 70 percent of his time with a handful of people.  One-on-one mentoring is the backbone of discipleship multiplication.


A Passion for the Lost


The pastors of these churches live and breathe reaching the lost for Jesus.  Like the guy in the movie, Hacksaw Ridge, toward the end of the film, lowering one after the other wounded soldier down the cliff.  You could hear him say, “One more; help me get one more,” these pastors live to reach people for Jesus.


Small Transformational Groups


It’s impossible to spawn a multiplication movement without small groups that exist to raise up new leaders and send them out to repeat the process over and over.  These are not merely Bible studies, and they don’t focus on training or learning but the application of the Gospel.


Making Hero’s Out of Disciple Makers


Worship and conversations are filled with examples of people who are living the life of a multiplying disciple. These pastors aren’t afraid to call out those who are leading others to Christ.


A Release Mentality


Whether its sending people into the community to witness and serve or giving them away to plant churches, these pastors focus more on building the Kingdom than building their church.  They live the statement – “It is better to give than receive.”

Our new book, Dinosaurs to Rabbits: Turning Mainline Decline to a Multiplication Movement shows Mainline Christians how to participate in one of the fastest growing movements of our time – Multiplication. But this book is not for the faint at heart or for those who are comfortable with the hand they have been dealt.   If you’re tired of decline or even slow growth, then this book is for you. In its pages, you will find the simple formula to what we believe can win the West back to Christianity. What do you have to lose?

Read more blog posts by Bill Easum

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