by Dave Ferguson | Jul 8, 2011 | Church Leadership, Church Planting
In my last post I reminded you how Malcolm Gladwell’s bestseller, Blink introduced us to a psychologist who almost intuitively knew whether a marriage would last after being with a couple a few minutes and a tennis coach who knew could accurately predict a...
by Martin Buehlmann | Jun 29, 2011 | Church Leadership, Outreach and Evangelism
John and Jane wanted to get married in Berlin, where I am planting numbers of churches. Georgia, my wife, had told them at a party that I perform wonderful wedding ceremonies. So they approached me and asked if I would marry them. I heard the Spirit of God speak...
by Dave Alford | Jun 7, 2011 | Church Leadership, Church Planting, Communication / Preaching
Everything rises or falls on leadership. That statement captures an important truth about church planting. Good leadership can’t guarantee a church’s success, but it’s practically impossible for a church to survive for long without it. So, if leadership is so...
by Ben Arment | Jun 3, 2011 | Church Leadership, Church Planting, Communication / Preaching
If you’re like me, the minute you have an idea, you want to go to press with it. To hit send. To launch it publically. By the time I’m sharing an idea, I’m already doing it, right? But nothing could be more dangerous. Great ideas can fall short when...
by Aubrey Malphurs | Jun 2, 2011 | Church Leadership, Church Planting
Want to know where God is taking his church in the future? Want to know what the church will look like over the next five years? Who doesn’t? The answer is found “at the edges” where church planters live and minister. Look to what church planters are...