by Dino Rizzo | May 31, 2018 | Church Planting, Outreach and Evangelism
Did you know Jesus has a plan for you in the city He has sent you to?   In Luke 8:26-38, a once demon-possessed man is ready to follow Jesus after a miraculous life change.   But Jesus commands him to, “Return home and  tell how much God has ...
by Jeff Hoglen | May 9, 2018 | Coaching, Outreach and Evangelism
Every year I reread certain books. These books were light years ahead of anything out there at the time and are still relevant today. One of the books that I revisit often is Community of Kindness, by Steve Sjogren and Rob Lewin. Here are some wisdom nuggets from that...
by John Richardson | May 11, 2016 | Church Planting, Outreach and Evangelism
There is a lot of talk today about making disciples. And rightfully so. Jesus never commissioned us to go to the ends of the earth to constructing buildings; He never commissioned us to provide programs or even produce moving times of worship. Instead, He called us...
by Brent Foulke | Mar 5, 2013 | Church Leadership, Church Planting
I’m riding next to an employee of a large multi-national company right now. Many of my new acquaintances are made this way. We had a delightful discussion about our growing up years in Midwest states and shared how both our families tended to do driving vacations...
by Scott Thomas | Jan 21, 2013 | Church Leadership, Church Planting
The Tension to Be on Mission The church in every generation is called to bring the good news of the kingdom into a spiritual encounter with the aspirations and challenges of that culture where it resides. Simply, believers are on a mission from God in their respective...