When We Get Real – God Shows Up!

When We Get Real – God Shows Up!

When We Fake It We Look Goofy – Even Freakish My grandma from Paris, Texas was full of colorful expressions.  She didn’t so much speak English – she communicated in one metaphor after another.  One of my favorites was: “He was a lot like a cat standing on...
Obstacles That Lead To Success

Obstacles That Lead To Success

No matter where or how a church is being planted, obstacles are part of the story. Obstacles come in all shapes and sizes. A planter called me one day seeking help with a financial obstacle. He needed money and he wondered if I could give him a list of people who...
Gasping For Air?

Gasping For Air?

Have you ever noticed when the oxygen mask instructions are given on an airplane that the flight attendant tells you to put your own mask on first – then on your child?  Why?  Because you if you become unconscious from lack of oxygen while attending to your...