by Steve Sjogren | May 5, 2018 | Church Leadership
When We Fake It We Look Goofy – Even Freakish My grandma from Paris, Texas was full of colorful expressions. She didn’t so much speak English – she communicated in one metaphor after another. One of my favorites was: “He was a lot like a cat standing on...
by Steve Nicholson | Feb 6, 2013 | Church Leadership, Church Planting
When I was a young church planter my team and I spent countless hours trying to deal with the kinds of complicated pastoral situations that inevitably come up – marriages on the rocks, mental illness, interpersonal conflicts and such. It is amazing how much trouble a...
by Steve Pike | Mar 23, 2012 | Church Planting
No matter where or how a church is being planted, obstacles are part of the story. Obstacles come in all shapes and sizes. A planter called me one day seeking help with a financial obstacle. He needed money and he wondered if I could give him a list of people who...
by Steve Sjogren | Feb 21, 2012 | Church Leadership, Church Planting, Outreach and Evangelism
I’ve gone to a number of church planting conferences that feature plenary speakers who lead large churches who “planted” and “succeeded” in a big way. Maybe you’ve been to the same conferences. I put those words in parentheses because when you dig into their stories...
by Toni Spry | Jul 28, 2011 | Church Planting
Have you ever noticed when the oxygen mask instructions are given on an airplane that the flight attendant tells you to put your own mask on first – then on your child? Why? Because you if you become unconscious from lack of oxygen while attending to your...