by Jim Sheppard | Sep 16, 2012 | Church Leadership, Church Planting
Given the challenges that many individuals, families, and churches are now facing in the aftermath of the global economic crisis that began in late 2008, the topic of generosity is more timely than ever before. When our security is threatened due to a job loss or the...
by Tom Nebel | Aug 27, 2012 | Church Planting
Today I want to prod you to lead your church to be generous. Here’s the deal. Sooner or later, as a church planter, you’ll preach your first generosity series. If you’re intentional, you’ll do that every January. You’ll reference all the great generosity passages...
by Jim Sheppard | Nov 16, 2011 | Church Leadership
I spend a lot of time in churches with church leaders and their people. I gave a lot of thought to what the game changers are for churches and I have chosen one that is simple and, to a lot of people, pretty obvious. It is right under their nose. My only fear is that...
by Phil Spry | Aug 19, 2011 | Church Leadership
Tithing and sacrificial giving were the last strongholds to come down in my life as a new Christian. I did that, “there they go again” rolling of my eyes every time it came up. All they want is my money. I DON’T HAVE ANY MONEY!!! We were 21 with two small kids and...