by Steve Sjogren | Mar 8, 2019 | Outreach and Evangelism
Green Card – permission and blessing for an immigrant to go to work. Our friends Rex and Sally tell us, “We loved America from our first moment in the country, but we didn’t feel at home early on. Mainly it was because we couldn’t go to work. We didn’t feel we fit...
by Ron Edmondson | Dec 14, 2018 | Church Leadership
Pastor, there are some things your church can’t do for you. They simply can’t. Please understand. I love the church. Greatly. I’m a local church guy. But, they simply can’t do these things for you. And, if you think they can, or you leave it up to them to do these...
by Hugh Halter | Aug 23, 2018 | Church Leadership, Church Planting
Regardless of whether you are a new church plant or an existing church trying to reform and reposition your congregation to thrive during tough ministry and economic times, consider a few systemic tweaks that can release your congregation from the needless waste of...
by Rice Broocks | Aug 3, 2018 | Church Leadership, Church Planting, Outreach and Evangelism
I’ve been deeply challenged by the tireless efforts of the men and women that advance the cause of the “new atheism” into the empty hearts of postmodern westerners. Nature abhors a vacuum so, in the absence of faith, unbelief or atheism becomes the...
by Jeff Hoglen | May 9, 2018 | Coaching, Outreach and Evangelism
Every year I reread certain books. These books were light years ahead of anything out there at the time and are still relevant today. One of the books that I revisit often is Community of Kindness, by Steve Sjogren and Rob Lewin. Here are some wisdom nuggets from that...