Questions Church Planters In Nigeria Ask

by | Jul 18, 2012 | Church Leadership, Church Planting | 1 comment

I have been teaching a class on vision casting in a graduate school.  One of my students ministers to more than 2000 pastors in Africa.  During the class he was in Nigeria.  The questions pastors ask in Nigeria might help us put things in perspective.  Below is quoted from Leonard’s journal.

“ I was thinking about vision casting and came across this part of my Nigeria Journal.  Where this ties in for me is twofold–first, casting a vision for the redemption of Muslim people.  These pastors and their people are severely persecuted by Muslim people but cannot let them become the enemy.  Second, I must cast vision for biblical responses over emotional responses.  It is of huge importance that all of us anchor our responses to others in the Word…  

Questions Pastors Ask

  • What do I tell the people whose family was murdered by Muslims?
  • Does the Bible permit me to fight back?
  • How do I get over the anger I feel towards Muslims?
  • Can I protect my family when attacked?
  • They are targeting pastors and pastor families, how do I explain that to my kids?
  • I am angry with God for this, what do I do with my anger?
  • I want to quit the work is so hard, how do I stay encouraged?
  • I cannot feed my family so I started a farm, how do I manage all the work?
  • Can you raise money in the US to help arm the church in Nigeria?
  • My people want to fight back, how do I stop them?
  • People have quit coming to my church because of the persecution, what do I do now?
  • I have to work a farm to eat, I am pastoring a church that cannot pay me enough to live, I start my day early in the morning and go to late at night, how do I spend time with God?”

What can we learn from these Nigerian pastors?

  1. We need to pray for them as fellow planters.
  2. Our troubles are bearable.  We can stay the course.
  3. Where there is a vision from God to preach the gospel, a way can be found.

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