Navigating Counseling Issues at Church

by | Jun 9, 2023 | Church Health, Church Leadership | 9 comments

As a pastor or church planter, you may find yourself dealing with counseling issues at your church even if you have no training or certification in counseling. It can feel overwhelming and intimidating, especially when you want to provide the best possible care for your congregation. However, there are strategies and resources available to help you navigate these situations and provide effective support for those seeking help.


1. Develop your listening skills:


One of the most important skills in counseling is listening. People want to be heard and understood, and by listening, you can create a safe space for them to share what’s on their minds. Practice active listening techniques like giving your full attention, maintaining good eye contact, and asking open-ended questions. These strategies can help encourage a person to share their thoughts and feelings and help you better understand their needs.


2. Create a referral list:


While you may not be a certified counselor, you can still help your congregation by providing them with resources to get the help they need. Consider developing a referral list of certified counselors and other professionals in your community who can provide specialized care for those in need. This list can be shared with your congregation and can serve as a valuable resource for both you and those seeking professional help.


3. Seek out training and resources:


While you may not have formal counseling training, there are still ways you can improve your counseling skills. Consider attending workshops or training sessions on counseling techniques, mental health, and trauma-informed care. There are also many online resources available, including webinars, podcasts, and articles that can help you stay up-to-date on the latest counseling trends and techniques.

If you would like more training, I recommend The American Association of Christian Counselors


4. Establish a protocol for emergencies:


In some cases, counseling issues may require immediate attention. For example, if someone expresses suicidal thoughts or intentions, it’s important to have a protocol in place for addressing these situations quickly and effectively. Consider establishing an emergency protocol that outlines what steps to take in an urgent situation. This can include contacting emergency services or connecting the person with a crisis hotline.


5. Connect with other pastors and church leaders:


Connecting with other pastors and church leaders can be a valuable resource for addressing counseling issues. Establishing relationships with other staff members can help you share information, resources, and strategies for navigating difficult situations. Consider attending conferences or events where you can connect with others in the field and develop relationships that can help support you and your congregation.




Counseling issues can be a challenging aspect of church ministry, particularly when there are no certified counselors on staff. Remember, it’s important to be humble in these situations and recognize when you need to refer someone to a certified professional for specialized care.


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