How to Start a Church from Scratch

by | Oct 16, 2023 | Church Planting, Church Revitalization | 1 comment

Planting a church from scratch requires vision, dedication, lots of hard work, and an unwavering belief in God’s plan. But how do you start a church from scratch and ensure its success?

I’m glad you asked. In this blog post, we will cover the basics of church planting, including the vision behind it, the steps involved in starting a church from scratch, and even learn how to choose the right location.


The vision behind planting a new church.


The first step in starting a new church is to have a clear vision of what you want to achieve. You need to be clear about your mission statement and what makes your church different from others. Before you start, ask yourself some essential questions:

What is your target audience? What type of church do you want to create? What do you want to achieve through your church? These questions will help you to clarify your vision and provide a solid foundation for your church.


First Steps in Church Planting

Once you have your vision, the next step is to put it into action. Here are some steps to start a church from scratch:


1)  Assemble a team:


You cannot start a church alone. You need a team of like-minded individuals who share your vision and are passionate about serving God. Recruit members who have complementary skills so that you can build a strong team.


2) Develop a plan:


You need to develop a comprehensive plan that outlines your vision, goals, and strategies. The plan should include a budget, marketing strategy, and a timeline for your church’s launch.


3) Find a location:


Finding the right location is crucial to the success of your church. Look for a place that is accessible to the target audience and has adequate parking.  Renting a location will be the best route when starting up. Look at theatres, community centers, and schools that can be rented by the hour.

Choosing the right location for your church is crucial. Here are some factors to consider:


  • Accessibility:

Your church should be located in a place that is accessible to your target audience. Consider factors like transportation, parking, and safety.

  • Demographics:

You should consider the demographics of the area where you want to plant the church. The age, income level, and cultural background of the population can affect your church’s success.

  • Proximity to other Churches:

You should also consider the competition in the area. Are there any other churches nearby? If yes, what makes your church unique and different?

  • Cost:

You need to consider the cost of renting or buying a property. Look for an affordable property within your budget. There needs to be a balance here with regard to size versus cost. Don’t settle for a room too small but also don’t go too big. Many churches falter early because they overspend on their rental agreement.


4) Create a brand:


Many people don’t like to discuss branding with regard to church planting. I believe it is super important and something you should pray through and have peace about before gathering your launch team. Your brand is important as it helps people to identify your church. Develop a logo, website, social media accounts, and other marketing materials.

The brand will also set the initial culture of the church. For example, A dynamic, edgy name like Fusion Church should have an edgy logo. If you have this culture, your signage and print materials should reflect your church culture. The name and the branding should reflect who you are. Don’t ever try and be something you are not. People can spot a fake a mile away. Be uniquely you!


5) Build a Community:


Building a community is key to the success of your church. Organize events, volunteer activities, and other programs to engage with the community. Outreach is critical and needs to be done frequently. Build relationships with local businesses, schools, and other churches in the area. Show people that your church is a safe place for them to come together to worship, learn, and grow in their faith.


6) Focus on Discipleship:


At its core, church planting should focus on making disciples for Christ. This will look different from church to church, but it should always be the main point of emphasis. Find ways to engage people in meaningful conversations about faith and their relationship with God. Offer Bible studies or small groups that encourage spiritual growth and make sure there are opportunities for people to get involved in service projects. Don’t forget that church planting is ultimately about bringing people closer to God!


7) Prepare for launch:


Once you’ve gone through the steps outlined above, it’s time to launch your church! This is an exciting and nerve-wracking time. Pray for the launch date and work towards that day. Make sure you have a plan in place for how things will run on launch day, including who will be leading services, what worship music will be used, etc.

I recommend taking your launch team to several churches of similar DNA in order to see their services from a different perspective. Look at their logistics. What did they do with excellence? What were their blind spots? After visiting, debrief with your launch team.

Finally, don’t forget to pray and ask God for guidance on this important day. With His help, you can launch your church with confidence and joy!


8) Monitor progress:


Launching a church is not an overnight project – it will take time and effort to get it up and running. As you move forward, keep an eye on the progress of your church’s growth. Track attendance numbers, engagement levels, and any other metrics that are important to you. Regularly assess what is working well and make adjustments where necessary. By staying on top of things, you can ensure that your church continues to thrive over time!

Starting a church from scratch is an exciting and fulfilling experience. It requires faith, vision, and hard work. Remember, the success of your church is dependent on your dedication and commitment to the vision. Keep your eyes fixed on God, and trust Him to guide you every step of the way.

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