Four Steps to Win… Every Time!

by | Dec 10, 2018 | Church Leadership | 0 comments

Ever notice God is constantly “flipping the pages” of our lives? We go from place to place (page to page), and season to season (Chapter to Chapter). Some places are easy, some hard, some seem unbearable!

But in each place God wants us to Win It! Have victory in EVERY place, every page and in every season.

I have found these 4-steps to be invaluable to me in seeing that victory. Simple but very powerful…


God leads and directs our next move as we delight in Him. In life we will take many steps, if we walk in the Spirit, each step will be in the right direction, and lead to the right place.


Once there, we ask God “What must I do here?” With each new place, we have to take a stand there. There is something we are to get done for the Kingdom in that place. Make sure you know what you’re supposed to do.


We ask God “how” are we to get done what He said. There are a lot of different ways to “getter done!” But, there is only one “how” that will actually get it done, make sure that comes from God. Time the time to hear His voice!


As we move with God every step, hear the Word for “What” we must do, ask God to reveal “how” we are to get it done… We will see…


Wait! You aren’t seeing victory? Go back and double check and ask…

  • Am I “Where” God led me and told me to be?
  • Am I seeking God daily in His Word, asking “What must I do” in this place?
  • Am I asking God “How” must I do this, and listening in prayer and stillness?
  • Am I surrendered to doing “what” I must be do &  ”how” God said it must be done?

If you answered “yes” to ALL those questions, your victory is assured, and guaranteed! God has never lost a battle! He is fighting for you. Do not be discouraged or grow weary. Victory is surely coming!

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