Dreams and Visions

by | May 10, 2011 | Church Planting | 2 comments

I’ve always been intrigued by Dreams and Visions.  But growing up and being alive in such a rational, scientific, natural age doesn’t leave much room for either being considered legitimate, does it?  But they are, and I embrace them with all my rational, scientific, natural self because I believe the supernatural has invaded us through our Messiah – Jesus, connecting us with God our Father and living in us through God the Holy Spirit.

Now, I know there’s some weird stuff out there trying to pass for legitimate, but “c’mon man”, test the spirits!  Remember Joseph?  Where did those Dreams come from anyway?  Remember Paul and Peter?  Where did those Visions come from anyway?

My answer is Our God – Father, Son and Spirit – is a Dreams and Visions God – always has been and always will be, in time and space.  Prophet Joel‘s words continue to echo in our hearts.  So what’s the point and what does this have to do with church planting?

Everything!  It’s primal and core.  And the point is this: God’s redemptive movement through church planting is His idea, not mine, not yours.  God plants the Dreams and Visions for our lives deep in the recesses of our heart.  You know, that Hebrew idea for “heart”, where your body, mind, soul and spirit intersect at the very core of your being.

This is the beginning.  This is the “art” of church planting, God’s Dreams and Visions calling you to respond.

May His Dreams and Visions for your life so captivate and compel you that your only response to His call is, Yes Lord Jesus!  Whether that “call” is to plant a church or _________, let Him fill in the blank.


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