Don’t Let Them Die! Give Them This!

by | May 10, 2019 | Church Leadership, Church Planting, Communication / Preaching | 0 comments

Vision isn’t just something good for leaders to have, it’s a must! Proverbs says it pretty clearly…

Without vision people DIE.

They won’t follow a leader that doesn’t have vision. People don’t follow a leader that doesn’t have a clear vision and doesn’t communicate it.

People won’t join you on your journey if you don’t know where you’re going or if you haven’t told them where you’re gonna take them. They want to know that WHERE they’re gonna go is WORTH their effort, time and resources. Sure, they’ll follow… if they know where you’re going.

People won’t follow a leader without a good vision of values. Ask anyone and they’ll tell you that they want a leader that has high values and isn’t afraid to communicate those to the people they’re taking with them. They want to know the things the leader holds high and what the things are that are going to get them to where their leader is taking them.

No matter what you’re leading… a church, a family, a bake sale, people will follow your vision a lot further and through a lot more if they know that you have high values and that you value the same things they do.

So, leader…

Where’s your vision?

Do you have it?
Do you communicate it?
Do you tell them where they’re going?
Do you communicate what values are going to get them there?

Where’s your vision? Without it, the people will DIE. So will your leadership.

Vision isn’t just something good for leaders to have, it’s a must! Click To Tweet

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