Don’t Launch On Easter!

by | Dec 24, 2011 | Church Leadership, Church Planting | 1 comment

Christmas is only a day away, but for aspiring church planters preparing to launch, it’s time to think about Easter!

If you’ve decided to make Easter your launch day in order to take advantage of the natural surge in church attendance, you might want to reconsider your approach. Here’s why.

It is very common for a new church to experience a significant drop in attendance the week after its public launch. I usually tell planters that if their attendance for the second week is 50 percent of the launch week, they are doing well. However, if the launch Sunday is Easter, the week two drop will be even more severe and a real momentum buster.

On the other hand, churches that have chosen to launch one, two, or three weeks prior to Easter have found that Easter becomes a momentum builder. A pre-Easter launch allows the new church to have two events in a short span of time that make it easier to invite unchurched friends and family members. The launch itself, followed in a week or two by the natural Easter surge, keeps relational momentum headed in the right direction.

Now, if you’ve already locked in your plans and are laser focused on an Easter opening day, fret not! Over the life of the church, the most important activity and focus should be making disciples. If your disciple-making relationships are healthy and disciples who make disciples are being made, you’ve already got the most important momentum on your side. Keep loving God with all your heart and loving people with all His strength.

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