With COVID now in our rear-view mirror and a new year ahead of us, there are many technologies we can employ to improve our churches and the ways we communicate with our members and guests. Here are five ways you can use technology to improve your church in 2024....
Effective communication and compelling sermons are essential for reaching and inspiring your congregation. As John Maxwell says, “Everyone communicates, few connect.” Explore the articles below for insights and techniques to elevate your messages and strengthen your ministry.
Linda Bergquist Church Leadership, Church Planting, Communication / Preaching, Outreach and Evangelism
Out of the Algorithm, Into the Mystery!
Oct 17, 2011
There are two great tasks for the Church in North America today. First, we must do everything we already know how to...
Linda Bergquist Church Leadership, Church Planting, Communication / Preaching
QR Codes and Some Ways to Use Them in Church Planting
Sep 19, 2011
A QR code (which stands for quick response) is a two dimensional bar code that looks like a black and white patterned...
Helen Lee Church Leadership, Communication / Preaching
We All Get To Play
Aug 14, 2011
This week, I had the opportunity and privilege to attend a training session hosted by Forge Chicago and led by Alan...
Doug Murren Church Leadership, Communication / Preaching, Outreach and Evangelism
Aug 11, 2011
I have found an old word creeping into my prayers and vocabulary lately. The word is revival. Revival is when whole...
Aubrey Malphurs Church Leadership, Communication / Preaching
What Do The Words We Use Really Mean?
Aug 2, 2011
Do the terms culture, kingdom, missional, vision, incarnational, organic sound familiar? Hardly a day goes by that we...
Stephen Gray Church Leadership, Church Planting, Communication / Preaching, Outreach and Evangelism
Planting Churches That Target Men
Jul 25, 2011
A Study in 2000 from Switzerland provides insight on the importance on male attendance on the religious development of...
Helen Lee Church Planting, Communication / Preaching, Outreach and Evangelism
What Families Need Most From Church
Jul 14, 2011
When our church was in the “church plant” stage, we had a total of five children in our midst (three infants, one...
Bob Logan Church Leadership, Church Planting, Coaching, Communication / Preaching
Getting A Coach Who Gets It: What Makes Coaching Missional?
Jul 4, 2011
To coach people effectively toward missional ministry, it’s not enough to be a good coach. The coach also has to be a...
Stephen Gray Church Leadership, Church Planting, Communication / Preaching
Breaking the 200 Barrier
Jun 25, 2011
A church plant is a lot like a boulder on a barren mountainside. You’ve seen this same rock in many adventure movies....
Dave Alford Church Leadership, Church Planting, Communication / Preaching
Leadership Traits
Jun 7, 2011
Everything rises or falls on leadership. That statement captures an important truth about church planting. Good...
Ben Arment Church Leadership, Church Planting, Communication / Preaching
A Healthy Distrust of One’s Own Ideas
Jun 3, 2011
If you're like me, the minute you have an idea, you want to go to press with it. To hit send. To launch it publically....
Neil Cole Communication / Preaching, Outreach and Evangelism
A Prophetic Word That Did Come to Pass
May 30, 2011
“In answer to your inquiry, I consider that the chief dangers which confront the coming century will be religion...