Success is not necessarily a numbers issue. I know plenty of large churches that may look successful on the outside, but are not doing God's work. I also know of small churches, considered by many as "faithful guardians of the truth" who are nothing more than a social...
The Great Commission and the making of disciples go hand in hand with church planting. As we go into all the world as Jesus commands, and as we make disciples, churches will be needed. We believe God works in every type, style, and flavor of “church.”
Jim Sheppard Church Leadership, Church Planting
The Indispensable Ingredient
May 16, 2011
I was in San Diego a couple of weeks ago to attend the Harbor Presbyterian MultiSite 3.0 conference. It is not a big...
Hugh Halter Church Leadership, Church Planting
On Gatheringlessness…
May 15, 2011
This week begins an eight week scattered focused for our church. As we mentioned in AND…the Gathered and Scattered...
Geoff Surratt Church Leadership, Church Planting
Elephant or Rabbit?
May 13, 2011
A friend recently shared this proverb with me, “If you want 100 tons of meat, raise elephants. If you want 1000 tons...
Dreams and Visions
May 10, 2011
I’ve always been intrigued by Dreams and Visions. But growing up and being alive in such a rational, scientific,...
Joe Miller Church Leadership, Church Planting
11 Keys to Building Second-Generation Leadership
May 9, 2011
Church planting is full of risks and challenges. My own experience in church planting illustrates a significant, and...
Good News… And The Need For More Good News!
May 8, 2011
I am genuinely encouraged by what I see happening through church planting in America. I sense a new Jesus-fueled...
Brent Foulke Church Leadership, Church Planting
Designed for Mission: New Church Facilities – Part 2
May 5, 2011
Continued from "Designed for Mission: New Church Facilities - Part 1 Where does a new church gather for worship and...
Bob Logan Church Leadership, Church Planting
What Makes Church Planting Missional?
May 4, 2011
In the old days of the attractional church plant, you’d try to gather a crowd and then build a church out of it. That...
Artie Davis Church Leadership, Church Planting
Bust The Dam
May 1, 2011
Church-planting is so Vogue. Everybody is in it, on it, around it, staring in it or refining it. But sometime you just...
Martin Buehlmann Church Planting
Church Planting In Berlin
Apr 29, 2011
Berlin - a world city. I am in love with this city. It is the only German speaking world city. In contrast to many...
Toni Spry Church Leadership, Church Planting
You’d Have To Be Crazy To Do This…
Apr 28, 2011
In a book by Julian Lewis Watkins, The 100 Greatest Advertisements, Sir Earnest Shackleton is quoted as having placed...
Tom Nebel Church Leadership, Church Planting
Stuck In Networking Neutral?
Apr 27, 2011
Stuck in networking neutral? Not enough good contacts? Church not growing the way you’d like? I find that a lot of...