5 Keys to Deconstructing Christian Leadership

by | Apr 22, 2013 | Church Leadership | 0 comments


On Thursday April 11, I launched my weekly radio broadcast of Christian Leadership Radio at http://christianleadershipradio.com. This show is reflects years of dreaming about much needed change in how Christians lead and more than three months of planning with the Alive in Christ Radio Network.  The topic of my first show presented 5 Keys to Deconstructing Christian Leadership.

1. You Can’t Lead Yourself

Self-leadership is the ultimate narcissism. Its like saying, if you want to be a great husband, be a good husband to yourself.  OR If you want to be a good parent, practice parenting yourself. It is true that you can manage your actions, but leadership is a relationship—it requires more than one person.

 2. You Can’t Lead Without Following

Following is the not the stepping stone to leadership.  It is not a hierarchy of the powerful rising above the weak.Christian- Leadership is never the next-step “beyond” following.  Followers don’t graduate into leaders, they continue following in one area while learning to lead in another.

3. You Can’t Lead Alone

The New Testament does not know anything of leadership outside the context of teams. Leaders must lead through community. It is true that for some people the word “teams” is just another word for a group of more talented followers, but real team-leadership is about a group of equals sharing the pleasure of service and the burden of authority.

4. You Can’t Lead Forever

Eventually you will die and what will your legacy be as a leader? Some situations demand you follow. Every situation demands that you lead for the next generation. My name will be forgotten, but I live so that the name of Jesus will not!

5. You Can’t Lead to Gain

The Christian leader leads to lose… to sacrifice.. to serve.. to love.  The Scripture tells us that Jesus’ disciplesargued about who was greatest & Jesus said, “If you want to be first, be the very last, and the servant of all (Mark 9:34-35).  Therefore, my mission is to be an average man among an exceptional Church rather than an exceptional man among an average Church.

If you missed the broadcast, then please check out the archives here. http://christianleadershipradio.com/category/radio-archives

Or you can always listen live each Thursday morning 9 am PT or 12 noon ET here http://christianleadershipradio.com/listen-live

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