4 Things to Keep You From QUITting

by | Jul 2, 2012 | Church Leadership, Church Planting | 1 comment

Let’s be real, leadership ain’t easy. It can be tough, lonely, and bring us to many dark roads. The demands cause many to hang it up and quit altogether. They decide it’s not worth it anymore. When you get to that place, Go to this place.

4 Things To Keep You From Quitting

Q – Quiet (Be still and know that I am God) – Time with God is essential at anytime, especially when you’re at the end of your rope. Go to a place, be quite, and let your Creator speak to you. Let him speak admiration, conviction, direction, and whatever else He needs to. Why do you need it to be quiet? So that nothing keeps you from HEARING Him.

U – Unplug – Keep it quiet. Unplug every connection to any source that is draining to you. Your laptop, your iPad, your phone, your email, your video chat, anything that is tethering you to the world. Now, of course, don’t be stupid, you’ll have to plan ahead in order to do it, but you can make this happen… you MUST. Unplug from the world, let everyone know that you can’t be bothered for a period of time. Unplug and Recharge.

I – Interaction – Talk to someone – I can’t tell you how important it is to have close, open, and transparent relationships. People that you can be vulnerable with, but still encouraged. People that you can cry to, but still feel respect. A lot of leaders think that when they begin leading a big organization or operation that they have to withdraw from people… that CAN’T be the case. Choose these people wisely, but choose them non the less. If you can’t find someone close to you, find a professional to help. Go to a counselor. You need someone to talk to. Let it out before you say, “I Quit!”

T – Try – Try something new, try something old, try something borrowed, something blue… Do whatever it takes to fill your cup and get out of your rut. Without breaking a rut, you’ll be back in same place.  Find a new hobby, a new sport, a new interest, a new place to go. Try something different.

Psalm 23:2-3 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul.

What else ya got? What do you do to keep from quitting?

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