“One pitfall of good church planters is that they are big-picture people. This is great in most areas, but not for finances. When your people give you money, they are really giving it to Jesus. It’s special. You are stewarding money others have tithed. Taking good care of it is a sacred responsibility.
- Thank every new giver with a handwritten note…
- On Monday mornings, evaluate your giving. Compare Sunday’s giving to one-fourth of your monthly expenses…
- Please, hire a bookkeeper ASAP to balance your checkbook and reconcile your checking account…
- Always have a bookkeeper open and verify your bank statements…
If you are not accountable for the small things – paying attention to the spreadsheet on a weekly basis – then you will not be accountable for the larger things later.”
(Excerpt taken from Community of Kindness by Steve Sjogren and Rob Lewin; Regal Books, 2003. pp. 50-2.)