Utilizing Media for Church Growth

by | Jul 15, 2024 | Church Growth, Worship | 3 comments

Alright, folks, let’s be open and transparent. If you’re planting a new church or have done so within the past 4 years, you know that the game has changed. Gone are the days when a flyer in the mailbox was enough. Today, if you’re not leveraging media, you’re missing out on a massive opportunity to grow your church in ways that go far beyond just getting people in the door. We’re talking about building a community, deepening discipleship, and extending your reach like never before. So, get ready—here’s how you can use media, NOT just to market your new church plant but to fuel its growth in incredible ways.


Keeping It Real: Authentic Connections


First things first—people can smell a fake a mile away. If your media presence is all polish and no substance, you’re going to turn people off faster than you can say “Amen.” Use media to be real, to share your church’s story, vision, and values authentically. Social media, podcasts, and video content aren’t just about broadcasting; they’re about building relationships. Show the highs and lows, the struggles and victories. When people see the real you, they’re more likely to want to be part of what you’re doing.


Content That Connects


Let’s face it: content is everywhere. If you want to stand out, your content has to connect on a deeper level. This means going beyond the Sunday sermon. Share clips that highlight powerful moments, create daily devotionals that meet people where they are, and offer behind-the-scenes looks at what makes your church tick. Use live streaming to create interactive worship experiences where people can engage, ask questions, and feel part of the action no matter where they are.


Building a Digital Community


Media isn’t just a megaphone; it’s a bridge. Use it to build a community that extends beyond the walls of your church. Create online groups and forums where people can connect, share prayer requests, and support one another. Host virtual small groups and Bible studies. The beauty of media is that it breaks down geographical barriers, allowing you to foster a sense of community among people who might never have met otherwise.


Discipleship On-Demand


Discipleship doesn’t happen just on Sundays. Use media to provide resources that help people grow in their faith throughout the week. This could be anything from podcast series on tough questions of faith to video tutorials on spiritual disciplines.

Make it easy for people to access and engage with content that deepens their walk with Jesus no matter where they are or what their schedule looks like.


Extending Your Reach


Here’s the thing: your local church can have a global impact. Through media, you can reach people far beyond your immediate community. Online services, podcasts, and digital resources can be accessed by anyone, anywhere. This isn’t just about growing your numbers; it’s about spreading the gospel to places you physically can’t go. Think about military families, expats, or folks in remote areas who might not have a local church—they can be part of your church family through media.


Getting Feedback and Adapting


One of the best things about media is that it gives you instant feedback. Use analytics to see what content resonates, what questions people have, and where they need more support. This isn’t just data; it’s a roadmap for how you can better serve your community. Be willing to adapt and try new things based on what you learn.


Empowering Evangelism


Your congregation is your best marketing team. Encourage them to share your content—sermons, testimonies, event invites—on their own social media. When people see their friends and family talking about how great your church is, they’re going to be curious. This kind of organic outreach is powerful and can bring new people into your community in a very authentic way.


Wrapping It Up


Media is a tool—one that can be used for so much more than just marketing. It’s a way to build authentic connections, create engaging content, foster community, enhance discipleship, and extend your reach. So, don’t just aim for likes and shares. Use media to create something lasting, something eternal. Plant a church that’s not just seen but experienced, lived, and loved by the people you’re reaching out to.

Plant a church that’s not just seen but experienced, lived, and loved by the people you’re reaching out to. Click To Tweet

It’s time to think bigger, go deeper, and leverage media for all it’s worth. Let’s build churches that are more than just a Sunday morning destination. Let’s create communities that are vibrant, dynamic, and growing every day of the week. Let’s make media a cornerstone of our church growth strategy, not just a footnote.


Read more blog posts by Jeff Hoglen, D.Min

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