Top 10 Church Planting Mistakes

by | Jan 25, 2012 | Church Leadership, Church Planting | 7 comments

Church Planting is tough and always carries a potential of risk and catastrophic failure. So what are the top ten mistakes made by leaders as they plant new churches? These are the mistakes I have seen repeated time after time with the church planters I have trained and coached.

1. Planting a church around your own likes and dislikes instead of contextualizing for the culture your in.

2. Failing to take spiritual warfare seriously.

3. Allowing complainers to shift your original vision.

4. Launching in haste – (Premature Launch)

5. Placing all effort on the launch with little thought of what to so once the church goes public.

6. Failure to focus on evangelism after launch.

7. Fear of talking about money until your pressed into a corner.

8. Placing people in leadership too quickly.

9. Failure to focus on your family properly.

10. Failure to plan for anything but the Sunday morning service.

If you have experienced these mistakes reply and share your story. If you have one to add, by all means share your story.

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