by Martin Buehlmann | Mar 10, 2023 | Church Health, Church Leadership, Church Planting
Learning to not only delegate work but influence is one of the most inspiring tasks of a church planter and good leader. Far too many leaders limit themselves in keeping tasks and responsibilities to themselves. Click To Tweet After having poured my life into two...
by Dave Workman | Mar 1, 2023 | Church Growth, Church Health, Church Revitalization
I had a crazy front-row seat watching a church grow from a house group to 6000+ people on a weekend. Whether that’s good or bad and something to celebrate or deride, I’ll leave that to you. At one point, in a survey, we found that 40% of the people attending our...
by Jeff Hoglen | Feb 13, 2023 | Church Growth, Church Health, Church Planting
Church plants are needed – point blank! The local church serves as a beacon of hope for the community. This is where people can be disciples and grow in the spiritual walk. However, due to a lack of resources or proper planning, many churches fail to survive...
by Jeff Hoglen | Jan 16, 2023 | Church Leadership, Church Planting, Church Revitalization
In recent years, there has been an explosion of church planting activity across the globe. From North America to Asia, Africa to Latin America, churches are being planted in cities, suburbs, and rural areas at an unprecedented rate. And as these new churches take...
by Ron Edmondson | Jan 9, 2023 | Church Leadership, Church Planting
Having been a church planter twice, I understand the unique challenges facing planters. They are constantly struggling with leadership issues, finances and simply knowing what to do next. I’d love to offer a word of encouragement for church planters.Recently I had a...