by Steve Sjogren | Sep 18, 2023 | Church Revitalization, Outreach and Evangelism, Small Church / Rural Church
Some church people think of Halloween as a dark time on the calendar – a time when godly people should go the other direction as fast and far as possible. I disagree. Of course, there are elements of weirdness in dark spirituality here and there on October 31. On the...
by Jason Taylor | Jul 28, 2023 | Church Health, Church Leadership, Church Planting
We all know that Jesus is the one who brings salvation to those who do not believe yet. He is in charge of “making decisions”; however, He did leave us with a “Great Commission,” and in that commission, He said, “Go and make disciples…”. Of course, part of...
by Steve Sjogren | Jul 21, 2023 | Church Health, Church Leadership
One of the biggest questions you as a leader need to ask: “Are those who report to me headed in the same direction as me?” That’s a question for everyone who reports to you. No matter where you are now, I recommend you take on a motto: “Trust but verify” ...
by Bill Easum | Jul 3, 2023 | Church Growth, Church Health, Discipleship
Recently, someone asked me to boil down the concept of multiplication as far as I possibly can. So here goes. Looking at many of the churches that are multiplying, I’ve noticed there are five things that I see in every one of these churches, and oddly enough, they...
by Ron Edmondson | Jun 23, 2023 | Church Leadership
There are many exciting things pastors experience in their work. Pastors get to see the best and worst of life, but in this post I’ll point out some of the more positive. Obviously, seeing someone become a follower of Christ or baptism of a believer has to rank as a...