4 Risks of Attempting Risk-Free Change

4 Risks of Attempting Risk-Free Change

As leaders, we all want to limit the risk in the hard decisions we make. Personally, whenever we are about to make a major change or launch some new initiative, I want our team to think through things which could go wrong. I want to know who is going to be upset with...
10 Steps to Goal Setting – #6 & #7

10 Steps to Goal Setting – #6 & #7

The following is parts 6 and 7 of the article by Pastor Mark Batterson concerning recommended steps in goal setting. With the new year fast approaching, the staff at churchplanting.com hope this post will get your creative juices flowing  and we pray that the next...
God’s Kinetic Presence

God’s Kinetic Presence

While shopping at Best Buy, I had a sense that if I were to offer to pray for a salesperson standing by me that God would give me his prayer. Don’t you know that it is one thing to pray and another to pray effectively? When God provides a prayer, count on it — it’s...
How Many Churches Did the Apostle Paul Start?

How Many Churches Did the Apostle Paul Start?

Some have said that Paul only started 14 churches in his lifetime. If so that is a remarkable thing, but I tend to think there are more than 14. I would assume that there are some churches started that were not necessarily mentioned as churches in the NT. For...