by Steve Sjogren | May 16, 2018 | Church Leadership, Church Planting, Communication / Preaching
Any church planter / pastor who hopes to connect with the community is in need of becoming a great communicator as soon as possible if not sooner! When I first began launching, quite a few plants ago, I didn’t understand this simple truth. Regardless of where you are...
by Steve Sjogren | May 10, 2018 | Coaching, Communication / Preaching
Some who are veteran readers of my articles and books may be surprised to find that I see weekend gatherings to be of the utmost importance. I have suffered through the slough of people “speed reading” my books over the years and mistakenly thinking my ideas are so...
by Geoff Surratt | May 2, 2016 | Church Leadership, Communication / Preaching
This past week as I was wrestling with a message for the weekend I had to go back to five basic questions I try to answer every time I speak. If you are a speaker these are great questions to ask before you hop on the stage: Who am I speaking to? What is the average...
by Nick Boring | Jul 11, 2011 | Church Leadership, Church Planting, Outreach and Evangelism
We’ve all heard those familiar words, “I’ve got some good news, I’ve got some bad news, which do you want to hear first?” My response is always; “give me the bad news first”. I’m sure there is a psychological reason I choose “bad” first, but I don’t know what it is....
by Martin Buehlmann | Jun 29, 2011 | Church Leadership, Outreach and Evangelism
John and Jane wanted to get married in Berlin, where I am planting numbers of churches. Georgia, my wife, had told them at a party that I perform wonderful wedding ceremonies. So they approached me and asked if I would marry them. I heard the Spirit of God speak...