by Ron Edmondson | Oct 30, 2023 | Church Health, Church Leadership
Being a leader isn’t easy. With every decision a leader makes, someone is happy – and someone is not. One often misunderstood reason leadership is challenging is the tension every leader feels when making decisions. And every leader experiences some of this tension –...
by Todd Hunter | Oct 11, 2023 | Church Leadership, Church Planting, Communication / Preaching
The number one requirement for a successful church plant is a certain quality of leadership. This leadership, in my mind, has two primary threads: what I call “the mojo” to start a church—that is, the gifts, temperament, and spiritual entrepreneurial bent. The second...
by Ron Edmondson | Sep 25, 2023 | Church Planting, Coaching
I have been involved in church planting for most of my ministry career – whether as a planter or as a supporter of planting. I love the process of planting. I love the energy and the enthusiasm a new church brings to a community. Having planted two churches, I’ve...
by Travis Stephens | Sep 18, 2023 | Church Health, Church Revitalization, Small Church / Rural Church
As people continue to get busier and commitment to the church continues to decrease, it’s become harder and harder to convince people to volunteer at church. This seems to be happening to every church, no matter the size or denomination. It certainly doesn’t help that...
by Brian Jones | Aug 16, 2023 | Church Health, Church Leadership, Church Revitalization
I guarantee there’s a decision you’ve been putting off that, if you postpone it any longer, it is going to cost you dearly. How do I know this? Because I have an earned doctorate from Harvard in the science of “I’m so stressed right now and have so many things coming...