Worship Resource List

Worship Resource List

I was recently asked about worship resources within new and existing church contexts. This is by no means an exhaustive list but I wanted to share some resources that I have personally used in the past. These companies offer great resources and have good customer...
When the Time is Right

When the Time is Right

Change is dangerous. It’s been over a decade now since I was called into my very first board meeting. I wasn’t on staff at the time and had only been attending the church for a couple of years, but I was already in trouble. You see, before this blog, I wrote another...
Leaders Can’t Be Pleasers

Leaders Can’t Be Pleasers

I was having a conversation the other day with an up and coming leader. He was dealing with a very hurtful relationship that ended and he didn’t understand why it was so painful for so long. We discovered his issue wasn’t just the pain of the relationship it was the...