by Ron Edmondson | Jan 18, 2023 | Church Health, Church Leadership, Coaching
I once worked with a guy who said to me, “I don’t think you’ve ever heard an idea you didn’t like”. He was right. I know about myself as a leader that I can be guilty of having a million “good” ideas. I also know that can be dangerous as a leader. I’m a...
by Jeff Hoglen | Jan 11, 2023 | Church Health, Church Leadership, Pastoral Burnout
If you’re a church planter, you know that discouragement can come anytime. Whether it’s due to slow growth, financial struggles, or difficult relationships, discouragement can knock you off your feet and make it hard to keep going. But don’t give up!...
by Jeff Hoglen | Jan 6, 2023 | Church Health, Church Leadership, Coaching, Discipleship
I am back to my habit of reading (finding and completing) at least two books per month. I have started quite a few books, but if they don’t capture my interest or spark intrigue within the first three chapters, I put em away. There are some books that I pick...
by Ron Edmondson | Jan 5, 2023 | Church Leadership, Church Revitalization
The best ideas in an organizational setting often come by getting a group together and throw out random new ideas or ways of doing things. You can usually come up with better solutions if you put the right people in a room and let them throw lots of ideas on the table...
by Jeff Hoglen | Jan 4, 2023 | Church Health, Church Leadership, Church Planting, Discipleship
I am in my mid 50’s, and although I am far from retirement, I do take time to reflect and ponder the lessons I have learned in life. Here are seven lessons that took a deeper meaning for me in 2022 and may help you as we enter a new year: All experiences,...