Pushing Back to Move Ahead

Pushing Back to Move Ahead

Did you happen to see the video by Jefferson Behke entitled “Why I Hate Religion, but Love Jesus” on YouTube? It depicts Behke rhyming about the purity of Jesus and the hypocrisy of the church. It argues that Jesus preached love, but religion is rigid, phony, and...
11 Leadership No-No’s

11 Leadership No-No’s

As a Lead Pastor, you’re responsible for creating a culture that’s serious about reaching people for Christ.  Leadership is top down.  Your staff (paid or unpaid) are only as strong as you, and your church is only as strong as your staff.  This begs the question: What...
Overlook An Offense

Overlook An Offense

How you handle offense has the potential to make you or break you as a leader.  You will offend. The only question is: who will you offend?  And you will be offended. The only question is: how will you respond to offense? As God expands your sphere of influence you’ll...