by Ron Edmondson | Jun 2, 2022 | Church Leadership, Church Planting, International Church Planting
Having participated in two church plants as a planter, and now working with church planters on a regular basis in a coaching capacity, I know firsthand the fears associated with planting a church. It’s a leap of faith and one God is calling many to these days. My...
by Rice Broocks | Apr 25, 2022 | Church Planting, Church Revitalization, Outreach and Evangelism
The title of this blog could also be – “You don’t have to know a drowning person to save their life.” There has been an enormous emphasis placed on the need for relationship with people as the prerequisite for evangelism. So much so that some go as far as saying...
by Dave Workman | Apr 21, 2022 | Church Health, Church Leadership, Church Revitalization
Over the years that we’ve worked with churches, it’s been our observation that of the four critical elements of healthy, effective churches: Integrity (systems, processes, organizational wholeness) Passion (communal commitment to the mission) Servanthood (outward...
by Bill Easum | Mar 24, 2022 | Discipleship, Outreach and Evangelism
Commitment to organized religion is now declining at the same time the public passionately pursues personal, spiritual journeys. How ironic that established/mainline denominations are shrinking during one of the most intensely spiritual periods in North American...
by Ron Edmondson | Mar 21, 2022 | Church Health, Church Revitalization, Outreach and Evangelism, Small Church / Rural Church
One of our worship leaders shared a great line in an email to me. He and his wife met a couple from our area at a marriage retreat recently. As they got to know the new couple over the weekend they found out the couple didn’t currently have a church. The worship...