by Dave Workman | Nov 7, 2022 | Church Leadership, Church Revitalization, Small Church / Rural Church
The present love affair with corporate mission statements must be more than a framed eight-by-twelve well-wordsmithed paragraph hung on a wall. It’s one thing to have a clear focus…and another thing to actually do it. I walked into a fast-food chain...
by Dave Workman | Aug 29, 2022 | Church Health, Church Planting, Church Revitalization
How aware are you of your church’s vibe? In bringing people who are estranged from God back to Him, there are only two ways we approach that: we either attract them or we go find them. Dave Workman Click To Tweet And if we do this in the context of a community of...
by Neil Cole | Aug 1, 2022 | Church Leadership, Church Planting, Discipleship, Featured
Christ comes first. He then commands us into His mission. The byproduct of our mission is His kingdom spread on earth via the building of His church. As much as I value church planting, I have come to realize that we should stop planting churches. We should plant...
by Dave Workman | Jul 12, 2022 | Church Health, Church Leadership
Over the last few decades, there has been an emphasis on church leadership, with no shortage of books, websites, and conferences devoted to effective leadership. Bible colleges and seminaries are no longer only offering theological and pastoral training, but catching...
by Jeff Hoglen | Jun 27, 2022 | Church Health, Church Leadership
Matthew 28:18-20 (The Message) 18-20 Jesus, undeterred, went right ahead and gave his charge: “God authorized and commanded me to commission you: Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold...