Healing Hurting Women…

Healing Hurting Women…

I was teaching a Bible study for women in our new church.  Nine women were present.  Four of us had been married just once.  Three of the women had been married twice. One had been married three times, and one had been married four times.  So there were nine women and...
What Is Generosity?

What Is Generosity?

Generosity is one of the most significant movements within the evangelical community, but it is also a topic that is highly debated among Christian leaders. How we understand its role within the life of the believer—and better, within the life of the Christian...
No Room for Ego

No Room for Ego

In ministry I’ve found that it’s easy to let my ego get connected with the work that I do. When the work is going well, my ego is fed and I feel good. When the work’s not going so well, I can feel like a failure. But it’s clear that my self-worth is not to be based on...