Your Church Needs to be Generous, Too

Your Church Needs to be Generous, Too

Today I want to prod you to lead your church to be generous. Here’s the deal.  Sooner or later, as a church planter, you’ll preach your first generosity series.  If you’re intentional, you’ll do that every January.  You’ll reference all the great generosity passages...
What Is Generosity?

What Is Generosity?

Generosity is one of the most significant movements within the evangelical community, but it is also a topic that is highly debated among Christian leaders. How we understand its role within the life of the believer—and better, within the life of the Christian...
Unleash The Difference Makers

Unleash The Difference Makers

I spend a lot of time in churches with church leaders and their people. I gave a lot of thought to what the game changers are for churches and I have chosen one that is simple and, to a lot of people, pretty obvious. It is right under their nose. My only fear is that...