Money Begets Commitment

Money Begets Commitment

Commitment to the cause is a huge issue for any newly planted church. Due to the “newness” of your circumstances you may find yourself in a revolving-door to some degree. People very often come visit for a few weeks before making up their mind whether to join you or...
Even Guzzardo’s takes Visa

Even Guzzardo’s takes Visa

I will never forget taking a potential church planting couple to a recruiting dinner in a small Midwestern town.  Great time, good vibes, and when I gave the waitress my Visa card to pay, she said, “We don’t take credit cards, only cash.”  Or she said, “If you don’t...
How Much Does It Cost To Plant A Church?

How Much Does It Cost To Plant A Church?

How much money does it take to plant a new church or multi-site campus? I can’t tell you how many times I have been asked that question. But, that question has no easy answer. Understanding the delicate balance between over-funding and under-funding is...