by Rice Broocks | Jun 19, 2023 | Church Leadership, Church Planting, Communication / Preaching, Outreach and Evangelism
Years ago, studies circulated that showed that new churches tended to be more evangelistic than older, more established ones. The axiom followed, “The greatest form of evangelism is the planting of new churches.” The fruit of this has been the...
by Hugh Halter | Jun 13, 2022 | Church Health, Church Leadership, Outreach and Evangelism
A consistent question I often get is related to whether or not Christians should be liked by the culture. My simple answer has been that Jesus was liked by the commoner, the peasants, and sinners. Thus if we follow Christ, Christians should also be, for sure...
by Bill Easum | Mar 24, 2022 | Discipleship, Outreach and Evangelism
Commitment to organized religion is now declining at the same time the public passionately pursues personal, spiritual journeys. How ironic that established/mainline denominations are shrinking during one of the most intensely spiritual periods in North American...
by Jeff Hoglen | Oct 20, 2020 | Church Revitalization, Communication / Preaching, Outreach and Evangelism, Servant Evangelism
Sunday services are filled with information that the pastor/preacher hopes will be life-transforming for the listeners. Sometimes, however, we find ourselves (Pastors) so busy in the day-to-day ministry activities that we aren’t doing what we tell others. More...
by Steve Sjogren | Aug 12, 2020 | Church Revitalization, Outreach and Evangelism, Servant Evangelism, Small Church / Rural Church
John Chapman, aka the legendary “Johnny Appleseed”, was a missionary who reached out to Native Americans in the Ohio Valley in the early 1800s. He Had Simple Tools His primary planting tool was a stick! Do you have a stick? When his current stick wore out he found a...