The Challenges of Staffing

The Challenges of Staffing

One of the most difficult aspects of leading a church is staffing. And here’s the mind-numbing problem: it will always be difficult no matter what stage the organization is.   For Church Planters…   For churchplanters, it’s not just the order of who...
The Power of Perspective

The Power of Perspective

Perspective is vital, isn’t it?   Our eyes—and brains—can be tricked into thinking something is true when it’s actually not. In the graphic below, all the squares are totally straight. Yep, even the warped ones in the middle. The smaller black and white squares...
How Are Your Systems?

How Are Your Systems?

Designing, developing, and improving church systems is the unsexy work very few church leaders get excited about.   Systems: How we get our mission done.   But the reality is: systems are simply how we get our mission done: processes, infrastructure,...
Bringing Dreams to Life

Bringing Dreams to Life

Nothing should thrill a leader more than overhearing a volunteer describing the mission of the organization in a way that sounds as if they personally dreamed it up. That should never, ever threaten a leader—it’s what you long for! What you’re hoping to drive is the...