by Travis Stephens | Feb 24, 2022 | Church Health, Small Church / Rural Church
The friendships within your church are incredibly important. They in large part keep people connected to the church. The better connected people are, the more often they show up, the more likely they serve, the more likely they give, and the more likely they’ll invite...
by Ron Edmondson | Aug 24, 2021 | Church Health, Church Leadership, Discipleship
As a leader, there are many times I feel like the mediator between opposing viewpoints. I’m steering our team towards a common, shared vision, but there are a myriad of opinions on how we accomplish the vision. This sometimes causes conflict. Managing conflict as a...
by Ed Stetzer | Jul 30, 2021 | Church Health, Discipleship
Most of us know how essential volunteers are to making sure our churches are as effective as they need to be. Churches need to develop an ethos of valuing volunteers, but in order for churches to thrive, they would do best to raise up volunteers who are leaders and...
by Ron Edmondson | Apr 13, 2021 | Church Leadership, Pastoral Burnout
I have some suggestions for pastors (or leaders) when they lose a good team member. This post came to me the hard way. It came after hanging out with one of my favorite people I had ever worked with. I hated when we parted ways professionally. Let’s be honest,...
by Ron Edmondson | Mar 30, 2021 | Church Leadership
There are some common ways to lose favor with leadership. Now before that sounds arrogant, please know I can be pretty hard on senior leadership. Having been in such a position for over 30 years, I know the bad side of senior leadership. I’ve witnessed it and, in full...